Directions to Windsor Fairgrounds
82 Ridge Road
Windsor, Maine 04363
From the East(Belfast, Camden, Rockland)
Trave ling west on Route 17 out of Camden or Rockland, drive about 20 miles until you join Route 32 (17 and 32 are parallel). Then, after about four miles, turn RIGHT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north
From the West(Portland, Augusta, Lewiston, Norway, Gardiner, New York)
Get to Route 17, either from Augusta by crossing the “high” bridge or from Gardiner (Exit 49 on I-295, Then Route 201 into town, cross the Kennebec, then follow Route 226). Once on Route 17, travel east. After driving about 10 miles you will get to Route 32. Turn LEFT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the South(Bath, Damariscotta, Waldoboro)
Stay on Route 1 until you get to Waldoboro and the intersection of Route 32. Turn north on Route 32, continue through Jefferson and on up to where Route 32 joins Route 17, about 13 miles. Turn LEFT (west) and continue for about 4 miles to where Route 32 turns north. The fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the North (Bangor, Madawaska)
Drive down I-95, exit 109 at Augusta, Western Avenue, and follow the instructions above.
Or I-95 Exit 130 at the Memorial Bridge in Waterville and get yourself over to Route 32. Drive South through Windsor (Hussey’s) and the fairgrounds will appear just before you arrive at Route 17. Look for “Windsor Fairgrounds” on the map.
Can I Bring My Dog
No. For the safety and comfort of all, including the dogs, only service dogs and working dogs participating in demonstrations or exhibits are allowed on the fair grounds. And, please leave your dog at home, not in your vehicle.
What if it rains?
Come anyway! It has rained before. It may again. BUT….the fun continues. Some people even have MORE fun when it rains.