Fleece Barn
Fleece Show and Sale
- Buy a variety of fleece types and colors with one single payment.
- Over 300 fleeces from which to choose.
- All price ranges.
- Sell your fleece at the Frolic
- Attendance increases each year.
- Include promotional information about your farm, animals and products for all to see.
Fleece must be dropped off Friday from noon until 6:00 pm. We can no longer accept fleeces on Saturday unless prior arrangements are made with the fleece barn coordinator. Only raw, unprocessed, well skirted fiber will be accepted for sale. There is no limit on the number of fleeces that will be accepted, but please bring only your cleanest fleeces, as any with foreign matter present will not sell. Fleeces should be presented in clear plastic bags large enough to tie closed at night. A 10% commission will be charged for all fiber sold.
Any unsold fiber should be collected by 4 pm on Sunday. Although we will do our utmost to maintain security, the Maine Fiber Frolic will not be responsible for lost or stolen fiber.
There is a limit of two fleeces per judged class per farm so please chose your fleeces wisely.
Fiber entered into the judged event must be available for sale The show judging will take place Saturday at 11:00 a.m..
Fiber and fleece suitable for judging must:
- Be only this year’s clean, healthy fleece;
- Represent the entire fiber harvested (within industry standards);
- Be untied;
- Be unwashed and unprocessed in any way; and
- Be presented in clear plastic bags.
Fiber will be judged based on industry standards per category, breed, and type. Emphasis will be placed upon cleanliness, fiber soundness, crimp uniformity, and staple length.
White fine, medium, coarse, and long wool
Colored fine, medium, coarse, and long wool
Rug wool
Kid mohair, adult mohair, cashmere
There will be a $2.00 fee for each fleece entered into the show.
Pre-registration for both the sale and the show is available by contacting Ann Wishart, ann.wishart58@gmail.com or submitting the registration form to Ann Wishart. Ann will assign fleece numbers once you have your final fleece count.